Analyze your own Results

Upload a multiple sequence alignment (beta) 🧪:
Upload an AUTO-TUNE results file :
Plot Generation Console


To generate a results file that is compatible with this page, use a multiple sequence alignment with the tn93 fast pairwise distance calculator.

Once a pairwise distance file is created, use the hivnetworkcsv script with the -A keyword argument to generate the tab-separated output compatible with this page.

An example workflow is as follows:

./tn93 -t 0.03 pol.fasta > pairwise_distances.tn93.csv hivnetworkcsv -i pairwise_distances.tn93.csv -f plain -A 0 > autotune_report.tsv
Please seethe About page for documentation on how to interpret the results.

Threshold Score Plot

Cluster Plot

R1/R2 Plot